Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weekend in San Antonio

Hello again! So I'm pretty slow at this blogging thing...but it's better than I've been doing at my journal lately, which says A LOT about how often I write in my journal :)  I'm still trying to catch up on our summer adventures, but hopefully will get up to date soon so I can start adding our fun fall activities we've been up to!

Anyways, while staying in Houston this summer for Nate's internship with Baylor, we decided to take a weekend trip to San Antonio (about three hours away from where we were staying).  We left on friday afternoon, and took a small detour to go to supposedly Texas's best BBQ restaurant - Kreuz Market.  It was quite the experience.  It was supper hot in the room where they have huge bbq pits to cook the meat, and I felt so bad for the employees that worked there (although they probably are used to it).  We got our bbq on butcher paper and got to eat with our hands (yay!) haha.  It was pretty good, but I think Nate and I are big fans of bbq sauce (which they didn't have) so we weren't as sold as the rest of Texas's population.  But it was a fun adventure.

In San Antonio that night we walked along the river walk with Nate's cousin and her family.  It was so fun and beautiful but really crowded.  We agreed that if we ever went back we'd go in the spring or fall because San Antonio, even at night, is still extremely hot outside! We were sweating buckets by the end of the "river walk".  We stopped and saw the Alamo along the way, and I MADE Nate stop so I could get ice cream cause I was dying of heat and the only solution I could see was a big scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream :) lol.

Saturday Nate and I went to Sea World!  We had so much fun! My favorite part was seeing the dolphins when they were being fed because one came up close to the edge where I was standing and I got to touch it!!! Yeah, I know you're jealous.  We took a break for lunch/dinner and left the park to go to the Olive Garden because, as anyone who's ever been to Texas knows, it is WAY to hot outside between the hours of 4-6 to walk around in the sun at Sea World.  That night we went back again with Nate's cousins family (they were so nice and let us stay with them for the weekend) to see the Shamu Rocks show.  We had a blast even though it was still extremely hot outside, and we and went home with sore feet and ready for a 12 hour nights rest, which we did not get because we left early the next morning to drive back to Houston.  It was a great weekend, and we took a couple photo's to document it, which I'll share below.  Enjoy!

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